CSU Northridge
Pre-Pharmacy Club
TIPs on how to apply
What courses are required?
Here is a list of course that each pharmacy school in California will require you to take before applying. Note that you will need to receive a "C" or better in each course. Please click on the icon to download the document.
PLEASE NOTE: This an updated list of course as of Spring 2021. A new chart will be uploaded soon. For more information on the pre-requisite courses, please visit http://www.pharmcas.org

How to write a proper resume?
Writing a proper resume is essential when asking professors, colleagues, and pharmacists to write us a letter of recommendation. Note that the USC school of pharmacy requires a resume to be sent in with your application. Please click on the icon to download the document. A sample resume is attached.

Where do I apply?
When you are ready to apply, please visit: http://www.pharmcas.org to start your application. Note that some schools may require a secondary application which can be found on their website. Applying season starts in mid July. This should not be kept on to the last minute to complete, start early! Different schools have different deadlines.
How should I prepare myself?
After submitting your application, you may be called back for an interview. The interviewing process is a way for the admissions committee to learn more yourself--on what is not already on your application. Here is a list of questions that could be asked at an interview, provided by a Western University recruiter. Please click on the icon to download the document.

How to properly write an essay:
During the interviewing process, you will be required to write an essay on the spot! You will be given an essay question and be required to write an essay with limited amount of time. Attached is a word document on how to plan out an essay before writing and how to construct your essay. This outline is provided by a Western University recruiter. Please click on the icon to download the document.